Filmed Thought: A one day symposium on Robert Pippin on film
Symposium Overview
Over the past ten years, Robert Pippin has published a series of books on film that combine detailed readings of specific films and filmmakers with broader reflections on the philosophical significance of cinema. In this afternoon symposium, we will discuss these writings of Pippin’s on film, with a specific focus on his recent book, Filmed Thought: Cinema as Reflective Form (Chicago 2020). Pippin will be present to respond to the comments and participate in the discussion.
Dates: Friday, April 29, 2022, 2:30PM to 5:20PM (EDT)
Organizer: Zed Adams (New School for Social Research)
Paul Kottman (New School for Social Research)
Gregg Horowitz (Pratt Institute)
Francey Russell (Columbia University)
Responses by Robert Pippin
Symposium Homework
To prepare for the symposium, please read chapters 1, 2, and 10 of Pippin’s Filmed Thought and watch Shadow of a Doubt (Hitchcock, 1943), Rear Window (Hitchcock, 1954), and The Kid with a Bike (Dardenne Brothers, 2011).
Symposium Schedule
2:30pm: Zed Adams (New School for Social Research): Introduction
2:35pm: Paul Kottman (New School for Social Research): “A Race of Peeping Toms”
2:55pm: Response by Robert Pippin and Discussion
3:30pm: Gregg Horowitz (Pratt Institute): “‘Is what you want something you can discuss?: Knowing, and not, in Rear Window”
3:50pm: Response by Robert Pippin and Discussion
4:25pm: Francey Russell (Columbia University): “Illuminations: On Dreams, Desire, and Cinematic Self-Consciousness”
4:45pm: Response by Robert Pippin and Discussion
Hosted by the Philosophy Department at the New School for Social Research