ONLINE | Archive-Based Aesthetics: Art in the Age of Lockdown
For many of us, the past year has involved a turn inward, to our memories of a pre-pandemic past and whatever documents we have of that past. In this online symposium, we will discuss artworks that draw upon such personal and public archives, works that are either made up out of pre-existing documents or which critically examine our relationship to such documents. The goal will be to better understand archive-based aesthetics as a distinctive way of making and appreciating art. The symposium will involve four short presentations, each of which will be followed by a short discussion, along with a general discussion at the end. The presentations will presuppose familiarity with the following works: Agnes Varda’s The Gleaners and I (2000), Brian de Palma’s Body Double (1984), and John Wilson’s How To with John Wilson, Episodes Three and Four (2020). Please try to view them in advance of the symposium. After the presentations, there will be two online screenings: a short documentary about the Museum of Home Video and a special episode of the museum’s weekly show.
Dates: Friday, March 12, 2021, 2:00PM to 3:30PM (EST)
Symposium Schedule (All times are EST)
2-2:40pm: Gregg Horowitz (Pratt Institute), “Aftermath”
2:40-3:20pm: Francey Russell (Columbia University), “The Double”
3:20-3:30pm: Break
3:30-4:10pm: Paul Kottman (New School for Social Research), “Revenge Pornography”
4:10-4:50pm: Zed Adams (New School for Social Research), “John Wilson’s Archive”
4:50-5:00pm: Break
5:00-5:30pm: General discussion
6pm: Screening of a short documentary about the Museum of Home Video at https://www.twitch.tv/zedadams
10:30pm: Special Episode of the Museum of Home Video at https://www.twitch.tv/zedadams
For more information email: zed@newschool.edu.
Link to the event in The New School Event’s Archive